May 1, 2008

Ketika Babi Terbang

When pigs fly
Ill do my homework
When pigs fly
Ill grow up and do more work
When pigs fly
Ill help with chores
When pigs fly
Ill remember to lock the doors

When pigs fly
Ill stop annoying you
When pigs fly
Ill say something that’s true
When pigs fly
Ill study for that exam
When pigs fly
I won’t be able to have ham

When pigs fly
The world will probably end
But until pigs fly
Ill be myself without end

1 comment:

  1. ketika teman kita yg angkatan 2006 terbang,,hehehe,,

    bung,,ngintip2 atuh k blog gw,,
    tp ga usah ngeklik iklannya,,
    ato kalo mau klik sekali aja,,tapi di iklan yg rada terkenall,biar gede $$ nya,,hehehe,,,
